Vidyabharti Sanstha's, Wardha

Dr. R. G. Bhoyar Arts, Comm. & Sci. College, Seloo (Vidyabharti College)

Accredited 'B+' Grade by NAAC

(Recognized by UGC, New Delhi under section 2(f) & 12(B) as per Act 1956)

Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra Affiliated to R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

Student Development Cell...

Our college is located in rural area and our students development department undertakes various activities for the benefit of the students who are economically backward, intelligent and meritorious.

About Committee:

Objectives of the Student Development Cell

ü  Overall Development of College Students

ü  To implement the various student development activities

ü  To implement various schemes sponsored by the university help them become a responsible citizen

ü  To offer, support and felicitate participation of students in various student development activities

ü  To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibilities

ü  To develop capacity to meet challenges and natural disasters

ü  To identify the needs and problems of surrounding community and involve themselves in the problem solving process

Sr. Name of Members Designation Committee
1   Dr. K. N. PathadePrincipal Chairman
2   Mr. S. S. ManwarAssist. Prof. Convener
3   Dr. V. B. PimpaleAssist. Prof. Member
4   Dr. Vibha NikoseAssist. Prof. Member
5   Dr. Siddharth D. NagdiveAssist. Prof. Member
6   Mr. Sonal S. PanchabhaiAssist. Prof. Member

     MoM Details: No MoM found for now.....

College Committees

  Academic & Administrative Audit Committee
  Admission Committee
  Alumni & Parents Committee
  Competitive Exam & Career Guidance Cell
  Feedback Committee
  Student Development Cell
  Student Enrollment & Scholarship Cell
  Student Placement / Counseling Committee
  Students Grievance & Redressal Cell
  Time Table & Work Load Committee

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